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How to Setup a Super Fund
Setting up a SMSF is easy. If anything it can be done too easily with no real thought of consequences.
It pays to get it done right, right from the outset.

Super Funds Contribution Rules
Can you put money into super? Is there a difference between personal contributions and employer contributions? How much can you put in? What happens if I put in too much?

Investing Super Fund Money Without Breaking The Rules
Many people prefer an SMSF to have control of investments. But what can an SMSF invest in?
Investments such as term deposits, shares, property and managed funds are common place, but what of more exotic investments.

Super Fund Tax Rules
The SMSF tax regime is feature not to be missed. My favourite tax rate (0%) can apply in many cases. But with these concessions comes a need to comply with rules. Get it right and get the rewards!

How to Withdraw Super Fund Benefits
Get your money out of your Super and pay no tax. There are rules as to when and how you can get your money, but the best result is a tax free retirement.
Is it the right time to choose Self-Managed Superannuation?

Traditionally most people have invested their Superannuation in either Retail or Industry Super Funds into which their employers contributed a percentage of their salary. Your superannuation nest egg was effectively then left in the hands of your employer’s selected super fund’s managers, who made all the investment decisions on your behalf. This situation no longer prevails as well over a million Australians have chosen to leave their traditional Retail or Industry Funds, and opted to take control of their own savings and investments in their own Self-Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF).
There are many reasons for this departure and why traditional superannuation management is perceived by a growing number of Australians as inappropriate for their needs. The most evident are dissatisfaction with their super fund’s performance, the lack of meaningful control traditional Retail or Industry Funds provide over one’s accumulated and significant personal savings or the ever increasing fund management and administration overheads.

Establishing your own SMSF allows you to take over responsibility for where and how your savings are invested, plus as Self-Managed Super is more cost effective you can significantly reduce admin and management fees associated with operating traditional accumulation and pension accounts, charges that would have continually eroded your funds year in & year out. A SMSF provides additional scope to optimise and vary your investment portfolio, an attribute that can also deliver attractive long-term tax benefits too.
When the advantages of a SMSF begin to outweigh the convenience of permitting an anonymous fund manager to invest and administer your superannuation it is time to take advice from an SMSF expert. Seek out an advisor who is qualified and licensed to provide financial advice and recommend whether a SMSF is an appropriate investment option for your particular objectives, financial situation, andhow a SMSF should be best structured to achieve you particular needs.

As your SMSF’s trustees your primary responsibility will be to ensure you invest your fund’s money appropriately, you will be ultimately responsible for fulfilling your fund’s legal and compliance obligations, including the fund’s annual tax return. Compliance with your fund’s obligations and keeping abreast of the ever changing taxation legislation mandates a level of expertise and a commitment in time that most individuals simply do not possess. This is where your subscription to the SMSF Advice Hub becomes invaluable.
The SMSF Advice Hub is your direct on-line channel to expert local advice covering your SMSF’s entire operations from maintaining compliant records to making investment decisions that optimise your tax advantages and minimise the risks that an inexperienced Self-Managed Fund’s trustee cannot afford to ignore.
If you are considering a self-managed fund your subscription to the SMSF Advice Hub should begin well in advance of your final decision. As here you will discover not only the questions you should ask of your financial adviser and/or accountant, you can also gain access to the SMSF Advice Hub’s resources that will provide answers to many of the important issues that require your consideration.
For the more experienced SMSF trustees, either a Silver or Gold Advice Hub subscription will prove your most cost effective advantage, and a sure-fire way to maximise your investments’ value and accumulate towards an independent retirement.
There is no time like the present, to receive more information on SMSF Advice Hub options, or ask any general questions about the services you can access. Simply request assistance via the SMSF Contact Form, or commence your first 12 month subscription today.
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Is your accountant an accredited SMSF expert?
A reliable Advice Hub second opinion will determine whether you’re managing your super correctly and in the most advantageous way.

All the super advice you need
Select the support level that perfectly matches your needs, with easy access via email, phone/skype or face to face with an Advice Hub super specialist.

Straightforward advice to explain all super’s
complex rules
SMSF regulations advice so you can avoid pitfalls and costly oversights.

Safely Managed & Soundly Invested
Always confident that the advice you receive ensures your SMSF’s compliance, so it never attracts costly penalties.

Cut your Super Fund’s Admin costs
Your most economical super fund support package. Just as reliable, yet far more convenient than any traditional SMSF adviser.

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Recent Super News
Ensure Your Super Guarantee Payments Are Compliant
Miranda Brownlee writes an article for the website SMSF Adviser wherein she talks about the potential danger of bypassing laws of superannuation or taxation, especially where a relative is involved. The case which highlighted the possible threat of bending Super/taxation rules involves Payne v Commissioner of Taxation.
Busting The Myth: Managing SMSF is Time-Consuming
A Self Managed Super Fund (SMSF) is your ticket to a stable retirement. The federal government wants us to set up our own Superannuation fund and for that it is quite willing to lay various tax perks ahead of us. Some of us, however, give credibility to the myth that managing SMSF is a time-consuming process. This is far from the truth. Let us find out why the myth needs to be busted before it does any more harm. Also, let us read about that one particular way of saving our personal time and effort when managing SMSF.
Why SMSF Investors Should Fall In Love With Blue-Chip Shares
What are the major traits currently being displayed by our economy? I would go for low interest rates and a flourishing property market (too heated in certain parts!). This makes blue chip shares a very welcome idea, especially for Self-managed Super funds.